Monday, December 21, 2009

Happy Holidays from Sk8Strong!

Happy holidays to everyone in the skating community!   This first full year at Sk8Strong has produced amazing results for thousands of skaters all around the world.  Our training programs have now reached 27 countries and are used all across the United States.  We appreciate the wonderful feedback we have received from coaches, skaters, fitness professionals, and professional organizations.  Sk8Strong will continue to serve the skating world as an informational resource to all who are willing to be educated and advance their knowledge and skills.  Congratulations to all of the skaters and coaches who consistently use our programs and continue to progress their skating skills because of the strength, stabilty, balance, and flexibility they have gained.  Continue to be consistent with your exercise programs, and it will help you reach your goals!  For those of you who have not yet committed to Sk8Strong training programs, visit our testimonials to hear what many skaters and professional have to say about us.  You won't be disappointed!

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